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How Does the Online Interview and Demo Process Work?

A demo lesson is part of the application and interview process with an online English company. They want to see your teaching skills in action and what better way to do that than by asking you to teach a pre-prepared demo lesson?

The company you are applying to will generally allow you to select slides from their classroom to teach a recruiter as if they were a young learner during a scheduled interview. Apart from this, they may ask you to select slides, pre-record your demo lesson and then upload the recording along with your application.

When it comes to interview day, you can expect to encounter an initial conversation period whereby your recruiter will ask you questions related to you and your experience. You will then swiftly progress onto the lesson’s demo-teaching phase, whereby you’ll take your recruiter through your chosen demo slides.

Recruiters will evaluate your teaching techniques, clarity of speech, and ability to speak at a graded level- appropriate to your learner’s age. They will be on the lookout for the use of props, ESL skills such as TPR, gesture and mime, as well as operation of the teaching platform/ classroom, and your level of enthusiasm and learner engagement.

Some tips for acing your demo:

Ensure that you keep an eye on the clock and pace yourself- not going too quickly or slowly through the material.

Be animated and enthusiastic, conveying a positive attitude and creating a fun environment for your learner.

Engage your learner at the start of class by beginning with a fun warmer activity.

Ensure that your camera is well positioned and the video framing fits your head, shoulders and chest in, leaving enough room for actions.

Make use of tools to direct focus to certain elements on the screen when working from teaching slides.

Praise and encourage your learner and ensure that you have a reward system on hand in order to motivate them further.

Practice Practice! Practicing your lesson, its timing and operation through the online platform beforehand will calm you and boost your confidence- allowing you to approach the real demo with more excitement than nervousness.

For more information on how to best prepare for your upcoming interview, browse our website. Get in touch and let us help you!